RealtimeTranscriberParams: {
    disablePartialTranscripts?: boolean;
    enableExtraSessionInformation?: boolean;
    encoding?: AudioEncoding;
    endUtteranceSilenceThreshold?: number;
    realtimeUrl?: string;
    sampleRate?: number;
    wordBoost?: string[];
} & ({
    apiKey: string;
} | {
    token: string;

Type declaration

  • OptionaldisablePartialTranscripts?: boolean

    Disable partial transcripts. Set to true to not receive partial transcripts. Defaults to false.

  • OptionalenableExtraSessionInformation?: boolean

    Enable extra session information. Set to true to receive the session_information message before the session ends. Defaults to false.


    This parameter is now ignored and will be removed. Session information will always be sent.

  • Optionalencoding?: AudioEncoding

    The encoding of the audio data

  • OptionalendUtteranceSilenceThreshold?: number

    The duration of the end utterance silence threshold in milliseconds

  • OptionalrealtimeUrl?: string

    The WebSocket URL that the RealtimeTranscriber connects to

  • OptionalsampleRate?: number

    The sample rate of the streamed audio

  • OptionalwordBoost?: string[]

    Add up to 2500 characters of custom vocabulary